
Superliiga on pelattava nettijääkiekkoliiga, joka perustettiin vuonna 2016 Pro Leaguen ja Eliittiliigan yhdistyttyä. Sarjaa pelataan kolmella sarjatasolla: Liiga, 1. divari sekä 2. divari. Liigan toiminnasta vastaa johtokunta ja sen alaisuudessa pelaa kausittain satoja pelaajia.

HC Oilersin kuulumisia

HC Oilers laitettiin ennen kautta kasaan monen vuoden tauon jälkeen. Tällä kertaa kuitenkin hieman erilaisella konseptilla, kun päätettiin Hatin kanssa siirtyä sivuun ja antaa vetovastuu Doughtylle ja hypelle. Tavoitteet olivat heti selkeät, hakemus Superliigaan ja takaisin liigajäille. Mukaan tarttui heti kauden kynnyksellä nitrik ja runkosarjan edetessä saatiin shed ja maestro (Hytönen) mukaan remmiin. Kausi onkin sujunut varsin mukavasti ja yhteispeli alkaa pikkuhiljaa löytyä. Nyt annetaankin vastausvuoro Doughtylle joka kertoo mietteitään menneestä kaudesta ja kauteen valmistautumisesta. Haastattelu on englanniksi, joten antakaa anteeksi jos löytyy pieniä tai suurempia kielioppi virheitä :)

What were your first thoughts when transferring to HC Oilers? How did the preparation for the season went?

I was really shocked at first, when I received the offer of joining this team, it was really unexpected when Hatti came up with that. This is a legendary team with lots of history and success in the past so I was and still am excited to be here. The preparation had it's ups and downs, but everything is good that ends good. We have found all the necessary parts for our team.

How did the season go on? The ultimate thoughts of the season so far.

There are always a room for improvements, but still, in my opinion season went almost perfect, with every game our group got stronger and more consistent. We haven't allowed opponents to create too many chances against us and we manage to capitalize on our own chances, especially in clutch moments. We kinda have that feeling that there are no unbeatable opponents, and so far that works.

Goals for the rest of the year? What was the improvement of the regular series?

Main goal obviously is to win the whole tournament, still a lot of work is needed to be done, but we are on right way. With every game we improved our chemistry and overall atmosphere in our group. At the beginning it wasn't that good so I am glad everything got sorted out by itself and we have no more obstacles to do our thing.

What do you think about the functionality of the super league and the general atmosphere?

Every league has its cons and pros, I think some of the teams do not belong in this league by their attitude towards other participants and that it's hard to arrange games between them and by that I mean any kind of games whether it's a league game or basic team game, I don't think if a team is avoiding to play at least a team game against same lohko team then it should deserve a league spot here. But otherwise, everything is really fun, johtokunta does it's job, and they always reply as soon as possible to questions and provide any help needed.

Your own personal greetings to the Super League community

I wish this league to exist longer than Kiekkoliiga, keep developing and also an advice - try focus on bringing new players to this game, create a sub league, work more on stuff like that, otherwise this game will run out of leagues and league teams. Thanks for chance to play here! ;)

Kirjoittanut: vanil
Joukkue: HC OilersHC Oilers
Julkaistu: 08.10.2017 16:40
Luettu: 1875 kertaa