
Team SaHaRaTeam SaHaRa - Club Of HärmäClub Of Härmä 6-9


Team SaHaRaTeam SaHaRa
(ei pelaajia)

Club Of HärmäClub Of Härmä
(ei pelaajia)

Team SaHaRa
Superfly (3+3)
Tippa (1+4)
Pleat (1+0)
Arsis (1+0)

Club of Härmä
Cypress (8+0)
bot (1+6)
Z.Palffy (0+4)
Epical (0+1)

*** ERÄ 1/3 ***

00:07 *** icing by TS

00:28 *** offside by COH

00:49 *** offside by COH

01:58 *** offside by COH

02:18 0-1 Cypress (bot)

03:03 *** icing by TS

03:30 *** icing by TS

??:?? 1-1 Pleat (Tippa, Superfly)

04:54 1-2 Cypress (bot)

05:45 2-2 Superfly

Torjunnat: 6-4
Hallinta: 46% - 53%

*** ERÄ 2/3 ***

01:14 3-2 Tippa (Superfly)

01:22 3-3 Cypress (bot) - lol

02:12 4-3 Superfly (Tippa)

02:30 4-4 Cypress (Z.Palffy)

04:50 4-5 Cypress (Z.Palffy, bot)

05:47 5-5 Arsis (Superfly, Tippa)

Torjunnat: 4-2
Hallinta: 52% - 47%

*** ERÄ 3/3 ***

00:04 5-6 Cypress (bot)

00:29 5-7 Cypress (Z.Palffy)

01:05 5-8 Cypress (bot)

02:50 - 20 katsojaa! (tunnelmaa)

03:04 5-9 bot (Z.Palffy, Epical)

03:48 *** offside by HS

04:46 *** offside by COH

05:38 6-9 Superfly (Tippa)

Torjunnat: 5-9
Hallinta: 52%-47%

*** Cypress - 8 pojoa
** bot - 7 pojoa
* Superfly - 6 pojoa
Tuomari: D-light
Lisätty: 10.11.2008 18:46

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